driving instructor

Building your business is the next step after obtaining the credentials to work as a driving instructor in South Australia. That said, below is some advice to help you get started in this exciting field.

1. Get the Word Out

Getting your business out there is crucial if you want to succeed in this field. Starting with a website or social media page detailing your offerings and experience is a good place to be. You can also advertise your availability to local institutions like universities and community centres.

2. Set Your Rates

The market rate in your area, in addition to your experience and credentials, should determine your pricing decisions. Additionally, you might want to give discounts for package deals or recommendations from prior students.

3. Create Lesson Plans

If you want to be a good driving instructor, you need to know exactly what you want to convey to your students. Make up some lessons that will teach drivers anything from the fundamentals to defensive driving and safety on the road.

4. Build Connections with Your Students

Getting your students to relax and trust their driving skills requires taking the time to get to know them as people. Get to know your pupils on a personal level and learn about the many ways they absorb information.

5. Stay Up-to-Date with the Latest Trends and Regulations

It is crucial to keep up with the most recent trends and rules in the field of driving, as these are subject to frequent change. Participate in trainings and seminars to hone your abilities and get new information.

6. Invest in the Right Equipment

Your students will likely benefit from a productive and secure learning environment if you make the investment in the necessary equipment. The use of dual-control vehicles and driving simulations are two examples of possible training tools.

7. Be Patient and Flexible

It can be challenging to teach driving since not all students learn at the same rate. Maintain your composure and constantly be willing to modify your instructional strategies.

8. Focus on Safety

As a driving instructor, you have the responsibility to put the students’ well-being first at all times. Make sure your car is in good operating shape and has all of the appropriate safety equipment, and stress the importance of safe driving to your students.

9. Keep Accurate Records

It is crucial, for both legal and financial reasons, that you keep accurate records of your student’s progress and the number of driving hours they have logged. Make use of a driving school software programme to assist you in monitoring your student’s progression and the amount of time spent behind the wheel.

10. Stay Organised

It might be difficult to run a driving school, so it is imperative that you remain organised. Make use of a calendar or other scheduling programme to assist you in keeping track of your appointments and lessons, and make use of a filing system to assist you in maintaining your company documents and keeping track of your financial obligations.


The decision to pursue a career as a driving instructor in South Australia is a rewarding one, but it is also one that takes attention, patience, and commitment for the well-being of those on the road. If you follow these guidelines, you’ll be able to develop a profitable driving school business and assist your pupils in becoming responsible and confident drivers.

If you are looking to undergo a driving instructor course in Victoria, look no further than our training sessions here at 121 Driver Training. We are a TfNSW and ASQA-approved Registered Training Organisation delivering the Driving Instructor Course. Call us today for more information about our course overviews and their equivalent fees.

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